Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Learn Piano | Piano Keyboard Lessons | 200 Videos | Watch Trailer

Imagine being able to sit down at a piano and just PLAY – Pop, Blues, Jazz, Ragtime, Ballads, even incredible Classical pieces?

Now you can.. and you can do it in months not years! Imagine you could learn piano or keyboard without having to spend money, time and effort on traditional Piano Lessons.

The Pianoforall Process is simple..

You start with Popular Chord based Rhythm Style Piano (think of artists like Elton John, Billy Joel, Lennon & McCartney, Barry Mannilow, Lionel Ritchie, Coldplay, Norah Jones and so on) which is EASY but sounds amazingly like the ‘real thing’. This enables you to achieve a professional sound almost immediately.

Once you are sounding great and having a whole lot of fun (which motivates you to learn more) you then expand step-by-step on your chord and rhythm knowledge into Blues, Ballad style, Jazz, Ragtime, Improvisation and yes.. even Sight Reading Classical music.

500 Audio Piano Lessons

Embedded directly in the ebooks are over 500 sound files that cut the learning time in half. You simply click on the sound icon beside each tune or exercise and you instantly hear an audio piano lesson! No need to open new files.

It Couldn’t be EASIER to learn Piano!

Everything in Pianoforall is Right where you need it to be. As you go through each book you can click on either Audio or Video files and INSTANTLY hear or see what you are reading about and then print out whatever pages you want to set on your Piano. You don’t have to search your computer for lots of files and have lots of windows open.

Pianoforall is completely self contained and this is what makes it the Easiest, Fastest and MOST EFFECTIVE Piano lessons method in the world.

DVDs and CDs are a nuisance compared to the easy ALL-IN-ONE system of Pianoforall!

If you use books with DVDs and CDs you have to first of all set up the DVD player – then the CD player and THEN you have to find WHICH part of the DVD or CD matches with the right part of the book! It all becomes extremely time-consuming and complicated – and eventually you just don’t bother going to all the trouble.

With Pianoforall you just open the book and the AUDIO and VIDEO is RIGHT THERE – ON the SAME page ready to watch or hear. It couldn’t be easier than that! As you will read below – this is why so many people LOVE Pianoforall!

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